Bursary Application Form

Apply for a Bursary on behalf of your organisation to attend training courses, conferences, screenings and more.

If you require assistance to complete this form, please get in touch. Support is also available via the BFI’s Access Support Fund.

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Bursary Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Section 1: Applicant and Organisation Details

Name of Applicant*
Is this role paid or voluntary?*

Section 2: Proposed Activity

Please provide the name of the event and the provider.
What date will your event/course/activity take place?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have you ever attended this event/course/activity before?*

Section 3: About the bursary

We'd like to know more about the total cost of your event/course/activity, and how the Bursary will contribute towards this. Leave areas that do not apply blank. Please include exact costs and not estimates.
We are committed to minimising the negative environmental impact of the work we support and ask all proposals to contribute to this aim. We encourage members to travel via train and avoid air travel where possible. Please provide details of the planned mode(s) of transport and cost of travel (£)
How will you be paying for any other expenses?*
All activity we support needs to outline how it will contribute to the Film Audience Network priorities outlined in BFI's National Lottery strategy (available at: bit.ly/BFIStrategy). These priorities are: 1) Engaging with children and young people; 2) Accessing a wider choice of film; 3) Tackling social, economic and geographic barriers & 4) Engaging with heritage collections that reflect the diversity of the UK. Could you tell us a little bit about how attending this event benefit you, your organisation and the wider Film Hub Scotland network?
Because of limited funds, a special case has to be made for international based activity. If you are seeking bursary support for this type of activity, please provide additional information including: why equivalent activity in the UK does not meet your needs, and a summary of the specific activity will you undertake as a direct result of your attendance.

Data Protection

Please note that the information you supply will be held in computer files. It may be used to prepare statistics and summary data. We may be obliged to share information under the Freedom or Information Act.
Applicant Confirmation*
By signing this application, I understand that if I am awarded Bursary support I will be required to submit an evaluation form with my claim, and Film Hub Scotland or another FAN based organisation may contact me in future about taking part in follow-up research about the benefits of the funded training/ professional development.