Code of Conduct

As a project of Glasgow Film, Film Hub Scotland follows Glasgow Film’s Code of Conduct and Safer Spaces Policy and adheres to its policies with regards to the prevention of harassment and bullying.
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any discrimination, harassment, bullying and abuse at our events. Both our staff and members have the right to feel safe and welcome and be treated with respect and kindness. Non-adherence by the members attending our in-person or online events may be subject to expulsion, being blocked from social media and online membership, or further actions where necessary.
Recommendations to FHS members
As organisers of events for the general public, all Film Hub Scotland members are urged to consider how they can protect their audience and staff from harassment, bullying, racism, and discrimination. Personal harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010, and event producers bear a responsibility to maximise the safety of all participants at their events.
We strongly recommend that Film Hub Scotland members familiarise themselves with Glasgow Film’s Code of Conduct and Safer Spaces Policy and learn more about bullying, harassment and racism prevention using an online resource compiled by the BFI. Another useful resource is Glasgow City Council’s Bullying and Harassment Policy.
When creating a Code of Conduct or a Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy, you may find the following questions helpful:
- What are your definitions of bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment), discrimination, and victimisation?
- How will you effectively communicate your code of conduct or harassment prevention policy to your staff, members, and/or audiences?
- What would happen in case an episode of misconduct or harassment takes place at your event or workplace? Is there a way for the affected party to report the incident and guarantee their safety?
- What disciplinary actions would you take against an employee committing misconduct? How would you act if an audience member bullied or harassed another attendee or your staff?
About Us
Who are we and what do we do? Learn about our work, our funders and our team.
Feedback and Complaints
Our Feeback and Complaints Policy details our guiding principles, how decisions are made, and how you can make a complaint.
Resources, toolkits and guides to support your organisation.