
The Fabric programme supports work that removes barriers for screen audiences, ensuring accessible and affordable cinema is available to those who live in more remote and rural areas.

It aims to develop film exhibition in rural areas and underserved areas of Scotland, recognising the strength of building a network in a particular area.

It is a limited opportunity to support the development of these networks in rural and underserved areas.

What funding is available?

Up to £10,000 – 20,000 per year to a maximum of £40,000.

Applications may:

  • Propose a two-year programme to develop audiences in an identified area.
  • Propose a one-year pilot programme to launch or test a cinema network in an underserved area.

Key dates

All funded activity should be concluded by end January 2026.

This is a rolling fund open until March 2025 or until funds are exhausted.

How to apply

Please read the Fabric Guidelines in the downloads section below before applying.

If you have never applied for Fabric Funding please contact us to arrange a meeting to discuss your proposal and the area you plan to work across. 

The application form cannot be saved to return to later so we have created a Word Document to allow you to save your answers before you apply. Find this in the downloads section below.

Apply here